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​Focus Finder Photography Group

One should use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind. A visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable. I have only touched it, just touched it.

Dorothea Lange

Focus Finder is a group of women photographers based in the South East of London. The main objectives of the group, is to promote photography as an art form and include other photographers who lack the support to develop as artists. We aim at the establishment of workshops and other future educational activities involving other photographers, teachers and artists from this area of London.
We focus on the development of exhibition projects both individual and group exhibitions. This group was created as the foundation stone for a future collective of local artists.

At present, Focus Finder is a group of four photographers, who study traditional method of printing in the darkroom and digital photography classes at Greenwich Community College. From silver prints to cyanotypes, to film collages, solarisation, toning to  digital photography,  this group has an eclectic view of the photographic media as a democratic and creative tool.

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Focus Finder Disclaimer

All photographs on this website are the copyright of the photographers Sandra Marques, Goretti Pereira, Jennifer Apphiah-Phillips and Karolina Stonkiene where applied. All rights reserved.

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